Dar es Salaam is home to some of Africa's major artists and styles like Makonde art and Tingatinga paintings. We have come up with galleries and areas to discover and get your best work of art in Dar es Salaam...

Tanzania Centre for Cultural Heritage - TCCH: Located at Quality Centre Mall, Nyerere Road.

Opening hours: 8:30am - 8:00pm

It is a platform for Tanzanian craftsmen & sculptors to showcase their work in an organized environment... More

Wonder Workshop Located at Plot 1372 Karume Road, off Haile Selassie Road, Oysterbay

Opening hours

Wonder Workshop employs 30 women and men living with a disability. We use waste materials to create recycled art, sun-dried paper, wooden toys, soaps and glassware... More

Mwenge Carvers’ Market Located along Sam Nujoma road in Mwenge.

Opening hours: 8am-6pm everyday

The market is packed with vendors, and you can watch carvers at work.

Tingatinga Centre Morogoro Stores, Haile Selassie Rd.

Opening hours: 8:30am-5pm everyday. One of the best places to buy Tingatinga paintings and watch artists at work.

Slipway The Slipway Village, Yacht Club Rd, Msasani

Opening hours: 9:30am - 6pm everyday.

Selling anything from tranditional handcraft to high-quality giftware.

Nyumba ya Sanaa Old Bagamoyo Rd, Msasani.

Opening hours:

The Centre was founded by American Maryknoll Sister Jean Pruitt in 1972.The centre also stages dance and music exhibitions..